Your Kingdom Come

Has the request that Jesus instructed his followers to pray of “Your kingdom come” been forgotten?  In other words, do we pray it but not mean it?  Or not believe that it’s possible in this world where it appears Satan reigns?


Our Father…

To many, the reality of God as father brings mixed emotions.  Why would that be?  When it comes to earthly fathers, some people have a wonderful father, some have an abusive father, some have lost their father, some have never known their father and some know their father but wish they didn’t.


Prayer Difficulties

A few short weeks after I became a member of the Lord’s Church, I was asked by a deacon at the church where I worshiped to be a communion server. 



One of my all-time favorite books is The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.  If you’ve seen the most recent movie adaptation (2002, Jim Caviezel/Guy Pearce) you missed out on the intention of Dumas.

The book is about revenge and may even be the most powerful revenge story of all time.  It was published in 1844 and is still a big seller.  Why?  People can’t get enough of revenge.


Divorce Hurts

In 1967 Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe completed a study to determine if there is a connection between personal stress and physical illness. 


The Hardest Topic

What do you think is the most difficult Bible topic to teach?  For me, it’s the topic of divorce.  The mere mention of the word causes discomfort in many people.  Why?


Tempted to Believe

I played on a variety of different baseball teams growing up ranging from terrible to very good.  When the team was great, I spent a lot of time on the bench.  When the team was bad, I played all of the time. 


The Uninstructable

Is there anything worse than a person who cannot be instructed?  I’m sure that there is, but an uninstructable person has got to be pretty high up on the list of the most obnoxious qualities a person can have.


The Bad, the Bad, and the Bad

One of my all-time favorite movies is The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.  I know, some people hate this movie and some love it.  Good news for those who don’t like it: This article isn’t about the movie, so keep reading!


What Motivates You?

Growing up, I lived with my grandparents about as much as I lived with my parents.  My aunts, uncles and cousins were always around as well.  As a result of growing up around a variety of people of different ages, I now enjoy being around a variety of people of different ages.