A part of the Christian life is struggling with doubt. Worse than having doubts, is the results of our doubts.
For instance, there was a time that I was doing some rock climbing with a friend. He was inexperienced and didn’t have much confidence out on the ledges. We came to a place where you had to put your hands on a ledge about four feet high and then do a combination of a jump while pushing yourself up to get to the higher ledge.
It wasn’t technical climbing and it wasn’t difficult, however, on each side of the ledge we were standing on, was a big drop. Once the fear of falling off of one side or the other crept into my friend’s mind, he began to doubt his ability to successfully do the jump. The result, paralysis. Paralysis is the result of doubt.
Paralysis is very dangerous on a rock ledge hundreds of feet off of the ground, but it’s also very dangerous when fear creeps in and we begin to doubt God.
What is the result of doubting God? Paralysis. But instead of being stuck on a rock ledge, we get stuck in the everyday patterns of a life not lived by faith. What does a doubt filled life not lived by faith look like? It looks like a person standing on a ledge and instead of trusting God and climbing higher, the person simply settles on the ledge and builds their life there.
Does that sound ridiculous? It’s not. If you find yourself taking no risks, trying nothing new or different, and striving, not to grow spiritually, but to instead be as comfortable as possible, BEWARE.
Doubt locks a person’s life into place. When we consider talking to someone about our faith, but then doubt the power of the words of the Bible, we keep quiet. When we imagine being more generous with our money and resources, but then doubt that God will replenish them, we become stingy. When we think about serving, but then doubt in our ability, we do nothing.
A big mistake that people make in overcoming doubt is putting their faith in themselves, in their own ability. Don’t do that. Instead, put your faith in God. He created you and saved you, not so that you can achieve the highest level of comfort possible in this life, but so that you will be led by His Spirit, filling your life with new and exciting challenges, seeking His will and His glory.
2 Timothy 1:7-9, the Apostle Paul says,
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord or of me His prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity…
God doesn’t call us to live our lives in a fearful, timid, doubting way. If that’s what Christianity looks like, why would anyone want to follow Jesus? Trust God. In faith, follow Him where He leads. When He leads you to a difficult place, don’t doubt and don’t stop.
What ledge is He calling you to climb?
Much Love,
Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or huskerwes1@gmail.com