From Pew Sitter to Christ Follower

When I became a minister, I suddenly had loads of sympathy for every minister that I’ve ever known because I suddenly realized what those men were up against. I can also sympathize with the congregants of the church, because, like them, I too was a pew sitter for many years.

In the years that I sat in the pew I did what I could to focus on what the preacher was teaching, but during the week, I faced the same burdens that you’re familiar with- the never-ending workload on my desk, dealing with my co-workers, most of which were not followers of Jesus, and managing the best I could with my supervisor, which typically felt like a bizarre game of chess.

Now, I spend the week in prayer and the study of God’s Word.  I do other things, of course, but those are the things that take up a lot of my time.

I also think about you all week long.  As I study the Scripture, you, the church, are on my mind.  And the words of the Lord to Ezekiel 33:7 are never far from my thoughts-

…I have appointed you a watchman…you will hear a message from My mouth and give them warning from Me.

All ministers are charged with the responsibility of using the Words of God to warn the people.  Ezekiel was charged to warn the Israelites who were in captivity in Babylon.  My responsibility is to warn the church in Wellington.

Because I came into ministry later in life than most, I have a unique perspective of knowing how I used to feel for years when coming to worship services.  There were years that I was so consumed with everything going on outside of the church building, that by the time I sat in the pew, it was very difficult for the preacher to break through to me.  I had too much on my mind.  And even when the messages convicted me, all it took was starting my week over after I left the building to forget most of what I heard and put none of it into practice.

What is the solution?  It’s not an easy solution, but a necessary one.  At the age of twenty-seven, my life was spiraling out of control and I found myself at a crossroads.  I had to either follow Jesus or abandon Him. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit led me to that place.  I don’t feel that I can take any credit because up to that point I had made so many poor decisions that following Jesus felt like an act of desperation.

But when I followed, everything changed.  By followed, I mean that I took my faith seriously every day.  I listened to, and applied what the preacher taught, not perfectly, of course, but I was deliberately trying to follow Jesus.

Why share all of this?  I share it because I want you to know that when I’m preparing sermons and Sunday school classes, and Wednesday night classes, I’m constantly praying that you will hear them and put them into practice.  My desire is for you to experience what following Jesus feels like.  For your good and for God’s glory.

Have I told you lately that I love you?  Because I do.

Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or