I realize that you’ve heard me go on and on about seeking to be humble and staying as far away from pride as possible, but there’s also a different kind of pride.
The truth of the matter is that this other type of pride isn’t pride at all, but has simply been given the false name of pride. Its use occurs when we use the word “pride” to describe when a person proves themselves worthy of dignity, honor or respect.
You can see how this can be confusing.
One of my favorite songs contains the line, “I wanna have pride like my mamma has – and not like the kind in the Bible that turns you bad.”
The distinction that the singer makes is the difference between pride, the chief of all sins in the Bible, versus the dignity that his mother possesses. It would make matters much simpler to simply use more appropriate words in our descriptions.
I say all of that to say, I am very proud (the good kind) of the work that went into VBS.
There was a LOT of hard work – time, effort and energy that went into everything and I appreciate everyone that had a part, and there were many, many parts.
In VBS coordination there is a very thin line between chaos and control. It is for this reason, I feel that I must recognize one person in particular.
Being a humble person, she does not want this recognition, but Paul said in Romans 13:7,
7 Render to all what is due them…honor to whom honor.
For this reason, I honor Lynette Turney. Lynette took on the job, again, that few dare to undertake – that of VBS Director.
She coordinated the curriculum, the teachers, the group leaders, the décor, the food, etc. I, along with many others, played a part at VBS, but Lynette held us all together and made sure that everything worked, which is borderline miraculous!
The greatest encouragement I took from her was that every time I discussed VBS with Lynette, she constantly voiced her love for the children and how crucial it was that we show them that we love them and communicate our VBS message that they could TRUST GOD.
Ephesians 2:10 says,
10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
At VBS, I witnessed many walking in good works. One plays a part, another coordinates various parts, but it was God who prepared each person to do each work.
Many thanks and much love to you all!
Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or huskerwes1@gmail.com