It Begins with Desire

When it comes to following Jesus, sometimes all we can see before our eyes is obstacles.  If this is your experience, don’t be discouraged, it’s the experience of all who have desired to follow Him.

There have been many times in my own life that I’ve wanted to be more involved with the activities of the church in my personal pursuit of following Christ, but it seemed that everywhere I turned, there was only more and more complications.

At my old church, I wanted to be a part of the men’s Bible study, but they only met during my working hours, so I couldn’t go.

I’ve been invited on multiple mission trips in the past that I was forced to say no to because I didn’t have enough time off at work.

There are many more things that I could name that I wanted to be a part of but couldn’t find a way.

What’s the solution?  Above all else, don’t get discouraged and give up.  What I’ve learned is that when you have a desire to follow Jesus, even if your time is very limited, He will give you opportunities.  They may not be the opportunities that you want right now and they may not be the most exciting, but if you are faithful to the opportunities that He gives you, more will follow.

This principle can be found in Jesus’ teaching from Luke 16:10 – 10 “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much…

Notice that Jesus doesn’t say “talented,” He says, “faithful.”  God most often uses the person who is willing.  He uses the person who has a desire to be faithful.

Let us be faithful with the things that God has given us opportunity to be faithful with and then be amazed at the results He produces through our faithfulness.

Much Love!

Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or