Less Than Two Weeks!

If all goes to plan, in less than two weeks, our mission team will be worshiping at a little church in the mountainous rainforest of southeastern Honduras.

We will be busy building a new school, working with the students of the village in whatever form their current school is in, and also providing a soccer clinic for those same students.

We will be busy.  There will be plenty of work to be done.  But my old mission mentor, who used to lead this trip, taught me a very valuable lesson many years ago.

He explained to me that we have a lot of different work to do and all of that work is beneficial, but our real mission is to build relationships with the people so that we can then share Jesus with them.

This isn’t a shocking revelation, but it is a good reminder so that we don’t become so consumed with the “work” that we neglect the mission.

Speaking on behalf of myself, Rex, Tyler and the crew from Park, we appreciate all of the financial support that we’ve been given.  All of the money will be put to very good use, and without it, we would be seriously limited in the amount we could do to help.

But there’s something else that we desire desperately.  Please commit to praying every day leading up to the trip that God will prepare the hearts of the people that we will work with.  And pray every day that we are there that God will use us individually and as a team for His glory.

One might ask, “Can you really make a difference in the short amount of time that you’re there?”  It’s a fair question.  But I can say with full confidence that a great difference is made by these trips.  You see, when we go into these villages, we open the door for the local church to come along side us and get acquainted with the people of the village. 

This is likely the most valuable thing that takes place.  Because when we leave, the church stays and has an open door to continue working with the people of the village.

Will you commit to praying for with us for the success of this mission?  I don’t understand all of the mysteries of how God moves when we pray, but I know He does, so please join us.

Much love to you all!

Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or huskerwes1@gmail.com