Live Wise



King Solomon was given more wisdom than anyone who has ever lived, with the exception of Jesus, yet even with his wealth of knowledge he still lived a life of disobedience in many ways. Because of his disobedience, he was led to do unthinkable things, like worshipping false gods. This alarms me, because I am not as wise as Solomon- not by a long shot. How can I be sure that I don’t fall into the same deplorable acts? Ironically, Solomon can help. Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 13 says, 

The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments…

This is a very simple command, but the simplicity of a commandment does not mean that the obedience will also be simple. The most important truths of the Bible are easy to understand, but we have been struggling to obey from the very beginning. Wisdom and obedience alike begin with the fear of God. Proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 says,

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;

A wonderful thing is that when we fear the Lord, and begin to live a life of obedience, our obedience that began in fear becomes an obedience that is born of love and overwhelming gratitude. How does the love and gratitude occur? It begins to develop when, by faith, we obey and observe that God’s ways are truly better than our own and that every teaching is for our greatest good and never for our harm. Having wisdom alone is not enough to live a Godly life, but wisdom combined with obedience produces a harvest of righteousness.                            Wes LeFlore