Isn’t it amazing how we can be so wrong about so many important things? Before you get mad at me, consider Jesus’ greatest sermon, what we call, the Sermon on the Mount.
He begins the sermon by explaining to us the origins of true happiness and his prescription for happiness is nothing like any human being would ever imagine.
In verses three through eleven of Matthew chapter five, each statement begins with the Greek word makarios, which is translated in my Bible as blessed, but the better translation is happy, and not just any kind of happiness, but supreme happiness, a happiness that cannot be taken away by any of life’s circumstances.
We all have an idea in our mind of what it would take for us to be happy. Jesus teaches us that we’re wrong.
To summarize everything that Jesus says will bring this supreme form of happiness into your life, here’s a list of the who is happiest – the humble, sad, lowly, hungry for righteousness, merciful, pure, peacemakers and those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.
This is the reason I asked, “Isn’t it amazing how we can be so wrong about so many important things?” What is my gut reaction when I ask myself, “What would make me happy?” My mind immediately goes to what I want, and I should have learned by now – getting what I think will make me happy has never made me happy. Sure, a short-lived artificial happiness, but not enduring happiness. My idea of happiness always needs a refill and it’s never enough.
The humble person doesn’t think about what he wants. He first considers what glorifies God and then he thinks about others. The person who is sad because of their sin is happy because they know God and know that God provided a way for them to be saved and this brings great comfort.
The happy person doesn’t hunger and thirst for the things of this world, but hungers and thirsts to know God, to know the Bible and to strive to live out their faith. Jesus says this person is happy because God gives them a satisfaction that they can’t find anywhere else.
The happy person doesn’t stir up conflict, but strives to keep the peace. They’re happy because they are called the children of God. Like father, like sons and daughters.
If you are not happy, go over the list, study it deeply, and determine what it is you are lacking. Money won’t make you happy. Stuff won’t make you happy. Sex won’t make you happy. Power won’t make you happy. Substances won’t make you happy. Our instincts are wrong.
God wants you to be happy, but happy by his definition, not yours, which is better anyway, because His ways work and ours do not.
This week, Jesus is going to teach us about greatness. You shouldn’t be surprised to find out that what people think makes a person great is the exact opposite of what actually makes a person great.
Much love,
Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or