When we see the word temptation, we typically think in negative terms, but the word we see for temptation in the Bible is peirasmos, and it is neither positive nor negative, but neutral.
It is most often translated as temptation but a better translation for us would be “trial.”
Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:13 to pray to God …do not lead us into temptation… which sounds a bit confusing, but if it said instead ….do not lead us into trials…, I think it would give us a clearer picture of what Jesus was communicating.
To illustrate the difference, let’s look at an example from the Bible.
In the Book of Genesis is the story of Joseph, who faced many trials. One of his trials involved Potiphar’s wife. Potiphar’s wife wanted Joseph to sleep with her. Genesis 39:12 says,
She caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me!” And he left his garment in her hand and fled, and went outside.
The trial would be defined as: Potiphar’s wife wanted Joseph to sleep with her.
The trial, in and of itself, was not sin for Joseph. A trial presents to us options where options didn’t previously exist. The primary options presented to Joseph are to 1) sleep with Potiphar’s wife or 2) not sleep with Potiphar’s wife.
What Jesus is teaching us to pray to God is this, “Don’t give me options!” Why would he teach that? If I don’t have the option of choosing sin, I, by default, can’t choose sin!
If Potiphar’s wife never tries to get Joseph to sleep with her, he never has to face the decision of saying yes or no. Jesus knows that due to the sinful nature that lives within us, and the enticements of Satan in the world around us, it is better that we face as few trials as possible.
Praise God that Joseph passed his test and did not give in to temptation! What a wonderful example of the power of God in the life of one who trusted Him.
God bless you all!
Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or huskerwes1@gmail.com