Is there anything worse than a person who cannot be instructed? I’m sure that there is, but an uninstructable person has got to be pretty high up on the list of the most obnoxious qualities a person can have.
At its root, uninstructability is caught up in the sin of pride and it can be observed in all ages. For instance, sometimes my six-year-old is uninstructable. Somehow, she already believes she is smarter than me. I will teach her something and she’ll look at me and say, “I’m not so sure about that.”
I used the word “smarter” in the previous paragraph purposefully. I think that the child of pride (and pride has many children) in this instance is born of the common belief, that many have, that a person cannot be instructed by someone who is not “smarter” than they believe their self to be.
This is, of course, a ridiculous idea.
Let’s abandon the word “smart” and exchange it for something better, “wise.” Smart has to do with measurable intellect, something that I have found to have little value in life. Wise has to do with a person’s ability to receive instruction, something that I have found to have tremendous value in life.
A very long time ago, a loving father wrote these words to his son:
Listen to counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise the rest of your days. Proverbs 19:20
Note that being wise not only includes be able to be taught, listen to counsel, but also includes allowing someone to correct you when you are wrong, accept discipline.
In our text this week, Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus is going to do some teaching and some corrective teaching. Some in His audience were wise and instructable while others believed they were too smart to be instructed or corrected.
What about you? Can you be instructed? I would never plead with you to be instructed by me, but as I teach today, I would urgently plead that you not close yourself off to the teaching of Christ! He has the words of eternal life! May the words of instruction I use be His and not mine lest someone not listen to one who is less intelligent than they are.
Much love,
Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or