Very Sad Words

Some of the saddest words recorded in the Bible are in Matthew 19:22 –

22 But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property.

No matter how many times I read it, the story of the “Rich Young Ruler” always causes me heartache.  How could he walk away?  On bended knee before the Lord Jesus, he’s invited by the Lord Himself to

22 …come, follow Me.

Oh to have been able to hear Jesus say those words!  To receive an invitation from his very lips to come and follow after Him; To have the opportunity to be with Him daily and to hear His teaching first-hand.  And the man doesn’t follow Jesus. 

Those of us familiar with the story know why he left.  He left because Jesus told him to –

21 Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven…

In His conversation with the man, Jesus revealed two things preventing him from obtaining eternal life.  First, Jesus exposed his self-righteousness.  When Jesus questioned him about keeping the commandments of God, the man foolishly said,

20 …All these things I have kept…

In other words, the man would not admit that he was a sinner.  If a person won’t admit they are a sinner, they’ll never see their need for a savior.  This was his first major obstacle.

The second obstacle that Jesus revealed in the young man was even worse.  He exposed the one thing that the man loved more than God, his wealth.  Jesus could have likely asked the man to do any number of things, even very difficult things, and the man would have jumped at the opportunity.

But Jesus doesn’t waste His or the man’s time.  He calls him on the one thing that He is unwilling to part with, His wealth.

In the end of the story the man keeps his wealth but would one day inherit a home in hell.  That’s what makes the story heartbreaking. 

As tragic as the story is, let’s not walk away sad from it like the man walked away sad from Jesus.  Let’s learn from it and above all, let’s make sure that we’re nothing like that man.  How can we do that?

First, make it your practice to remember Ephesians 2:8 every day –

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

How does that help?  It’s my daily reminder that when I was saved, it was due to the work of Jesus, and not in anything that I did.  It’s all Him.  He’s the only one capable of saving me.  And how wonderful that salvation is a gift, which, by definition, is a thing given willingly to someone without payment (Oxford Dictionary).

Second, resolve to follow Jesus no matter the cost.  That’s what He demanded of His disciples.  That’s what He demanded of the rich young ruler and that’s what He demands of us.  Does that mean that I have to do what he commanded of the rich young ruler?

Do I have to go and sell all of my possessions and give to the poor?  The answer is maybe.  He calls us to give up anything that takes the place of God in our heart. 

Do you love Jesus?  Before you answer, look at how Jesus defines love in John 14:15 –

15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.

When Jesus gave His command to the rich young ruler, it was a test of devotion.  It was a test of faith. If was a test of trust.  It was a test of love. 

Are you willing to do whatever Jesus commands of you?  In what way has He convicted you to take action in some area of your life that you haven’t yet moved?

Don’t walk away sad; Put your faith in Jesus, trust Him completely for your salvation and with your life and obey anything and everything He commands.

Much love!

Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or