Some will see a title like this and immediately feel defensive or offended. I promise, I have no intention of making you feel either way.
It is simply a question. It is a question that I ask myself regularly. Of course, without context, the question can be interpreted in different ways, so let me say what my intentions are.
When I ask, “What do you do?” What I mean is, what, specifically, do you do in your service of the Lord Jesus?
Imagine that you are filling out some form of an application or putting together a resume. On the application or resume, there is a section in which you are instructed to list, in as many ways possible, what you do, specifically, in service to the Lord Jesus with a brief explanation attached to every way listed.
Again, all that I am trying to elicit from you is for you to examine your life and say, to yourself only, this is what I do in service to the Lord Jesus and this is my justification for calling it service.
Why am I asking this question? I am asking you to consider this question because there was a time in my life that I could not list a single way that I served the Lord Jesus. Why? Because I didn’t do anything to serve the Lord Jesus.
I first asked myself this question after hearing Ephesians 2:8-10 preached. We all love the part about being saved by grace through faith. I knew that part. What I never paid any attention to though was the part right after in verse 10, which says,
10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
This verse tells me that I was created, not to be saved by grace through faith, but rather, that I was saved by grace through faith for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
When this truth took hold, I asked the question of myself, “What good works did God prepare for me to do?” I knew that whatever those good works were, I was not doing them.
The solution? I started seeking out good works to do and found that there was work to do everywhere I looked, and especially work within the church. Finding the good works is the easy part. Next article we will answer a harder question, “Why am I doing this good work?”
Much love!
Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or